COVID-19 Protocols
Here is what you can expect in our studio:
We have reduced the class sizes (10 per class), adjusted the schedule and have the ability to add more classes as we grow.
After each class, all barres, floors, handles, switches, benches, computers, phones, instructor equipment and bathrooms will be fully disinfected with an EPA registered cleaner.
All staff will be required to check their temperature 24 hours and 1 hour before their class.
After hours cleaning will continue weekly by a cleaning service using EPA certified solutions.
Extra hand sanitizer will be provided in the lobby and studio.
We will not be offering childcare yet, but hope to add that in the near future.
Here's where we need your help:
Do not enter the studio until 10 minutes before class.
Sanitize your hands when you enter and exit.
Limit belongings brought into the studio.
No congregating in the studio, lobby, or dressing room.
Bring your own equipment (weights, balls, mats, towels.) We will no longer be providing them, but we will have some for purchase.
Use the designated cubbies assigned according to class time.
How to manage your attendance:
Sign up for class with full intention of attending. (space is limited)
Be mindful and respectful of the 8 hour cancelation window. You will be charged for the class if you don't cancel within that window. (Exception of emergencies)
Please check in to your class via the Mindbody App upon entering.
STAY HOME, if you have a cough or fever, or any signs of COVID-19 or any other illness. Return upon being symptom free for 10 days. Our staff has been advised to send anyone home who shows signs of illness.
If you have tested positive or have come into contact with someone who HAS COVID-19, please do not come in the studio for 14 days, and you are symptom free.